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Our Best Price Guarantee is at the heart of our Buy with Confidence commitment to our customers. It ensures that you are purchasing at the right price.


We want to deliver products and services to you at the best quality and value and promise to offer you the best price for any like-for-like products and services.


If you are looking to make a Best Price Guarantee request, call us on the number below or make a request.

Best Price Guarantee shield design

Make your request online or give us a call

or call 0151 633 2111



We have been a successful, specialist, and high-volume seller of IP video technology products and services since 2004, which has given us a prominent position in this marketplace with industry insights and expertise that more generic resellers do not have.


If you have seen or received a quote with a lower price for like-for-like products or services from another supplier then contact us to request a better offer. We will honour your request and guarantee you an improved offer in accordance with the terms and conditions of our Best Price Guarantee as published on this page.


To accept your request the other supplier must:

  • Be a UK-registered company
  • Have stock or be able to supply you within a time frame similar to ours
  • Have authorisation from the manufacturer to offer its products or services for sale in the UK, and the products must be covered by manufacturer warranty
  • Not be an auction website, such as eBay or Gumtree
  • Not be the manufacturer of the products or services or a direct distributor


All products and services are purchasable on this website. Our Best Price Guarantee applies to all like-for-like products and services, including delivery service and associated charges where applicable, and may include consideration of payment terms. Our Best Price Guarantee does not apply in combination with our other additional discounts or promotions. Also, products from the other supplier must be new, not graded in any way, and not be discontinued. Products from the other supplier must be original, genuine parts and the products must not be grey parallel imports


In order to be able to accept your request we may ask you to show evidence of the better price or offer received. Typically, this will be in the form of a link to the other supplier’s relevant web page showing the price or offer, or in the form of a written formal quotation from the other supplier that you may have received. Please note that prices from the other supplier must be correct and accurate, and not be an obvious error.


A Best Price Guarantee request can be made prior to your purchase or, if you have ordered online, up to 72 hours (3 days) from the moment we received your order, regardless of whether we have shipped the goods out to you or not. If you make your request after we have received your online order, we will refund you the difference of our better offer.


No, we’ll only be able to consider prices and quotations denominated in GBP. Prices or quotations shown in other currencies will not be considered.


Our sales and customer service team are authorised to process and accept your request, ensuring that your request will be dealt with swiftly. In situations where the request is not in accordance with the terms and conditions of this scheme, the request may be referred to a senior manager or a company director. Please note that acceptance of a Best Price Guarantee request will be at the sole discretion of the directors of NW Security Group Limited, owner and operator of this website. We will always act reasonably and in good faith, but we reserve the right not to be obliged to give a reason for non-acceptance of a request.


We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and without notice. These terms and conditions were last updated on 30th October 2020.

We're here to assist you
Speak to one of our experts, call us on 0151 633 2111